
Programación Lifetime Movies

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Programación martes, 22 de octubre de 2024 en Lifetime Movies

00:01 Cine: Young, Stalked And Pregnant
Audrey is a senior in High School and has her whole life ahead of her when she realizes she can't remember the last time she got her period. She breaks the news to her boyfriend just hours after the death of his grandmother. Once his obviously unstable mother enters back into the picture things spiral out of control for everyone involved.
02:01 Cine: Cheerleader Abduction
Golden girl Olivia finds out that she is pregnant. She decides she has to hide her pregnancy at all costs to save her reputation and avoid ruining her mother Trish's gubernatorial campaign. An underground adoption ring seems to offer the help that she needs, but when Olivia goes missing, Trish must drop everything to find her daughter and grandchild before it's too late.
04:02 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
04:32 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
05:01 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
05:31 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
06:00 Cine: The Wrong Nanny (2017)
Stella, una madre primeriza de dos gemelos, contrata a Blake, quien parace ser la niñera perfecta. Todo en un principio parece transcurrir con normalidad, pero Blake esconde un terrible secreto.
08:00 Cine: Evil Nanny (2016)
Una pareja contrata a una niñera para que cuide a los hijos mientras trabajan. Al principio, todo sale perfectamente, pero cuando un incidente inseguro significa que los padres ya no quieren a la niñera ... Leer más
10:00 Cine: The Twisted Nanny
Single mother Julia realizes night nanny Olivia is turning her children against her. She must fight to prove that Olivia is not who she says she is before she gets custody of the kids for good.
12:00 Cine: The Captive Nanny
Chloe finds the perfect live-in nanny position with the Brown family, Emily, Michael and their son. She quickly learns they're oddly strict about security because of Emily's ex, who stalks her. When Chloe notices things seem a bit off with the Browns, Emily and Michael turn on Chloe and accuse her of being a spy for her ex, but it's not her ex that's making bad things happen, it's Emily, who is determined to win him back by any means necessary.
14:00 Cine: Bad Nanny (2022)
Consumida por la envidia y el resentimiento, una mujer se convierte en niñera de la hija de su media hermana y comienza a causar estragos en la vida de ambas.
16:00 Cine: Nanny Dearest
After receiving fertile eggs from a donor, Rebecca and Caleb are finally able to have a child and start a family. Several years later, a strange woman appears in their life, and is oddly drawn to their daughter. The egg donor has returned–and she wants what is "rightfully" hers. (courtesy of