
Programación Lifetime Movies

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Programación para hoy en Lifetime Movies

00:01 Cine: When Mom Becomes a Murderer
In the aftermath of her best friend's murder, an introverted teen discovers her mom has a secret past that involves a similar crime. Desperate to uncover the truth, the teen soon finds herself in over her head and wondering if her mom is a murderer.
02:01 Cine: Mother's Deadly Son (2022)
Marianne se encuentra en una lucha desesperada por la supervivencia de su único hijo y debe luchar por su vida para demostrar su inocencia.
04:02 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.

Empezó hace 22 minutos

04:30 Serie: Overwhelmed with IRS Debt?
See how one company is changing people's lives by helping them put their tax problems to rest.
05:00 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
05:01 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
05:30 Serie: True Crime 2024
Every 3 seconds an American's identity is stolen. Just how safe is your 401k? Your bank account? Your home? Your credit? Crime Reporter Tom Morris Jr. investigates the identity theft epidemic. Find out how you can help protect yourself with LifeLock.
06:00 Cine: Honor Student
An author meets a student from the time he spent teaching at a women's prison.
08:00 Cine: Most Likely to Murder (2019)
La vida de una popular animadora se pone patas arriba después de que un incendio en la casa mata a su padre.
10:00 Cine: The Wrong Teacher
Successful teacher and author, Charlotte Hansen has a passionate, one night stand with a younger man, Chris Williams. She finds out later he is 18-years-old and a new transfer student at her high school. Now, he will not let go of her. While Principal Burns and Vice Principal Clark discover there is something going on between teacher and student, Chris will stop at nothing to have her for himself.
12:00 Cine: First-Class Fear
A woman has a brief romantic encounter with a handsome stranger while on a late-night flight to Zurich, but the liaison unexpectedly puts her and everyone else on the plane in danger.
14:00 Cine: Killer Grades (2021)
La orgullosa mamá Katherine acaba de enterarse de que su hija Michelle se ganó un lugar en el equipo académico de decatlón. Pero, cuando una estudiante termina en el hospital, comienza a preguntarse ... Leer más
16:00 Cine: Charmed and Cheated (2022)
Sigue a Annie, quien en un intento desesperado por mejorar sus calificaciones, se une a una red de trampas y, bajo su influencia, comienza una relación con su entrenador de lacrosse, y un estudiante ... Leer más
18:00 Cine: The Shoplifting Pact
After being home-schooled, Sky can't wait to get back into the high school experience and make some friends. But, when her new gang seems to prefer shoplifting to hanging out, Sky wonders whether she's fallen in with the wrong crowd.
20:00 Cine: The Bling Ring (2013)
En el obsesionado mundo de la fama en Los Ángeles, un grupo de adolescentes nos lleva a una emocionante y perturbadora juerga de delincuencia en las colinas de Hollywood. Basada en hechos reales, el ... Leer más
22:00 Cine: Deadly Transaction
A Spanish woman (Natalia Verbeke) is torn between her dull fiancé (James D'Arcy) and an attractive stranger (Gael Garcia Bernal), with whom she has a passionate encounter. This stylish romantic thriller is packed with stunning twists and turns. Matthew Parkhill directed and wrote the screenplay.