
Programación Turner Network Television

Hoy Mañana Vie Sáb Dom

Programación viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2024 en Turner Network Television

00:00 Cine: The Wedding Singer (1998)
Bobby Boucher es un muchacho de Luisiana que trabaja como aguador en el equipo universitario local de fútbol americano. Aunque es realmente bueno en su trabajo, los jugadores le atormentan y acaba siendo ... Leer más
02:00 Serie: Cold Case
The unsolved 1969 strangling death of a 19-year-old girl who was found dead in her boyfriend's apartment is reopened after the man, the chief suspect in the case and missing in Canada for 36 years, returns to attend his father's funeral. But he claims he's innocent and points the finger at the victim's former fiancé with whom she broke up to be with him. Also, Lilly confronts her sister, Christina, about seeing Valens.
03:00 Serie: Cold Case
Lilly investigates the 1993 death of a mentally challenged teen who was hit by a train, after drawings appear on his grave that indicate foul play might have been involved. The probe reveals that the boy's mother was dying of cancer at the time and that he was being partially cared for by a 19-year-old friend. Lilly also learns that the boy was a target of abuse at his school. Colin: Damien Midkiff. Nathan: Bryce Lenon. Josh: Charlie Babcock. Sarah: Jackie Swanson.
04:00 Serie: Cold Case
Lilly investigates the 1998 death of a 9-year-old boy who drowned a month after being kidnapped from a department store and held for ransom. The probe reveals that the boy ended up in the home of a pedophile. The case is brought back to life when Stillman's brother, a priest, informs his sibling that a man involved in the abduction confessed to him in 1998, but was recently killed during a robbery attempt.
05:00 Serie: Cold Case
Lilly investigates the 1982 murder of a surgeon's wife, a crime for which the doctor was sentenced to prison, after new evidence is found that seems to support his innocence. The probe gets under way after a woman who knew the victim is found overdosed in her home. She's wearing a ring that belonged to the surgeon and she fits the description of the woman he claimed ran from his house following the fatal shooting.
06:00 Serie: Cold Case
The 1995 death of an alcoholic mother that was originally ruled an accident is reinvestigated when her sister comes forward with new evidence that suggests foul play. The probe reveals that she had angry confrontations with several men the night she died. The case holds special meaning for Vera, who was once romantically involved with the deceased woman's sister.
07:00 Serie: Cold Case
Jeffries reopens the 1963 murder of a black 16-year-old boy whose severely beaten body was found by the then 12-year-old Jeffries in a local park. The veteran detective believes the killing was racially motivated and may be linked to the fact that the boy's father supervised several white men who resented him at a nearby plant. Elsewhere, Valens' drinking becomes a problem on the job.
08:00 Serie: Cold Case
Lilly reopens a 1985 murder case in which a mill worker was stabbed to death at a gas station in what was thought to be a petty robbery gone wrong. An inmate confesses that he stole the guy's money, but only after he pulled in and found the dead body. The investigation reveals that the murdered man had lost his job and was in financial trouble, which took a toll on his family and his friendships. Meanwhile, a New York City detective comes looking for Christina.
09:00 Cine: You Don't Mess With the Zohan (2008)
Zohan es un soldado de las fuerzas de élite israelíes que simula su propia muerte para poder conseguir su sueño: convertirse en peluquero en Nueva York. Pese a que anhela dejar atrás su vida de lucha ... Leer más
11:30 Cine: Happy Gilmore (1996)
Happy Gilmore fue jugador de hockey y ahora no tiene objetivos en su vida. Cuando su novia le abandona y a su madre la echan del piso en el que vive por no pagar el alquiler, decide dedicarse a jugar ... Leer más
13:30 Cine: Billy Madison (1995)
Billy Madison es un joven perezoso y sin empleo, hijo de un magnate. Su padre se retira y quiere dejar la dirección del hotel en manos de su hijo, pero tras una larga discusión con su vicepresidente, ... Leer más
15:30 Cine: The Wedding Singer (1998)
Bobby Boucher es un muchacho de Luisiana que trabaja como aguador en el equipo universitario local de fútbol americano. Aunque es realmente bueno en su trabajo, los jugadores le atormentan y acaba siendo ... Leer más
17:30 Cine: Grown Ups (2010)
Cinco amigos de la infancia se reencuentran años más tarde para honrar la muerte de su entrenador de baloncesto de cuando eran niños. Con sus esposas y sus hijos a cuesta, pasan el fin de semana del ... Leer más
19:45 Cine: Grown Ups 2 (2013)
Lenny se ha trasladado con su familia a la pequeña ciudad donde se crió junto a sus amigos. En esta ocasión, los adultos serán quienes reciban toda una lección de sus propios hijos en un día que ... Leer más
22:00 All Elite Wrestling: Rampage
Exciting new matches featuring the world-class All Elite Wrestling roster and highlighting AEW's rising stars.
23:00 Cine: Grown Ups (2010)
Cinco amigos de la infancia se reencuentran años más tarde para honrar la muerte de su entrenador de baloncesto de cuando eran niños. Con sus esposas y sus hijos a cuesta, pasan el fin de semana del ... Leer más