
Programación History

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Programación para hoy en History

00:03 Serie: The Mega-Brands That Built America
Two software executives in California redefine the video rental industry and take on Blockbuster with their online subscription service, Netflix.
01:05 Serie: How Disney Built America
Walt Disney pushes the limits of technology to create the first full-length animated feature film. It's Disney's magic combination of passion, brilliance, and tech innovation that gives rise to the billion-dollar business of animated films.
02:06 Serie: The Mega-Brands That Built America
Motorola's first cellphone sets off a fierce battle to produce the most popular device. But when a little-known tech upstart from Canada decides to combine the features of a computer with a cell phone to make a smartphone called the Blackberry, phones will never be the same again.
03:05 Serie: The Mega-Brands That Built America
A century ago, shipping packages was slow and shipping overnight was impossible, until two Seattle brothers risk everything to reinvent shipping packages for all; a tenacious Yale graduate creates a world-famous express delivery service.
04:01 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
04:30 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
05:00 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
05:30 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
06:00 Serie: Amazing Facts With Doug Batchelor
A discussion of the Bible with Pastor Doug Batchelor.
06:30 Serie: David Jeremiah
A message of hope from David Jeremiah of Turning Point.
07:00 Serie: Ancient Aliens
Ancient medical procedures and their possible connection with aliens are explored.
08:00 Serie: Ancient Aliens
Examining a theory that aliens helped ancient rulers rise to power.
09:00 Serie: Ancient Aliens
Myths about the Ark of the Covenant are examined.
10:00 Serie: Ancient Aliens
Signs of alien contact throughout America's history are examined.
11:00 Serie: Ancient Aliens
A look at the indigenous legends of the Aborigines of Australia that purport to describe how life began and that the planet was seeded by extraterrestrials.
12:00 Serie: Ancient Aliens
An investigation into the theory that nine godlike extraterrestrials have influenced events on Earth.
13:00 Serie: Ancient Aliens
A look at Sanskrit texts in India for evidence of advanced building techniques, brain surgery and instructions for flying machines.
14:00 Serie: Ancient Aliens
The ancient site of Gobekli Tepe challenges everything modern archaeologists believe about mankind's past, including possible extraterrestrial visitors.

Empezó hace 25 minutos

15:00 Serie: Ancient Aliens
A look at Area 51's notoriety to see if it's a cover-up for much bigger extraterrestrial experiments taking place at multiple locations.
16:00 Serie: Ancient Aliens
Shocking new evidence reveals that advanced civilizations might have existed on Earth tens of thousands of years ago. Is it possible that a technologically advanced society thrived on Earth then' And did they leave behind a record that they lived alongside extraterrestrial beings.
17:00 Serie: Ancient Aliens
In numerous ancient cultures throughout the world, stories were told of ancestors that came to Earth from the Pleiades star cluster. Could new scientific findings reveal that humankind's true origins lie not on Earth... but 400 light years away.
18:00 Serie: The UnXplained With William Shatner
What motivates someone to steal? Is it just for the money, or could a criminal have other reasons for pulling off a particularly daring robbery?
19:00 Serie: The UnXplained Special Presentation
Ancient civilizations' ruins are crucial for understanding their past, but sometimes they raise questions. For example, why did empires like the Maya and Khmer people disappear, and what secrets are preserved under the ashes of Pompeii?
20:00 Serie: The UnXplained Special Presentation
Discover what drives certain people to deceive and execute outrageous and daring plots.
21:00 Serie: The UnXplained Special Presentation
22:03 Serie: The Proof Is Out There: Military Mysteries
A look into several mysteries in the military, including the disappearance of a Korean war pilot from the U.S. Air Force; the alleged cover up done by the Russians about the death of the first female cosmonaut; the explosion of a WWII battleship; and more.
23:05 Serie: The Proof Is Out There: Military Mysteries
In the Vietnam War, the U.S. military convinced the enemy it was under attack by evil spirits. Then, learn why the Nazis built a giant underground base in WW2, and how a man who had never flown a plane stole one of the most powerful military planes in the world.