
Programación HBO 2

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Programación para hoy en HBO 2

00:55 Cine: Good Time (2021)
La pareja siempre se perdonará bajo cualquier circunstancia.
02:40 Serie: The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst
As the first season of HBO's "The Jinx" is airing in early 2015, and incriminating evidence comes to light, Robert Durst – scion of one of New York's most powerful real estate families – goes on the run. He is captured in New Orleans and charged with the 2000 murder of his best friend, Susan Berman. With the help of his second wife, Debrah Charatan, Durst assembles a defense team, including the lawyer who helped get him acquitted in the 2003 murder trial of his neighbor in Galveston, Texas.
03:31 Cine: Deadpool (2016)
Basada en el antihéroe menos convencional del Universo Marvel, Deadpool cuenta la historia del ex agente de las fuerzas especiales convertido en mercenario Wade Wilson, que después de someterse a un ... Leer más
05:23 Cine: Max (2022)
Cuando el consejo equivocado de un oso de peluche parlante la lleva por un camino oscuro, una artista introvertida debe hacer cosas indescriptibles para proteger su nueva independencia.
07:17 Cine: Meg 2: The Trench
Research team leader Jonas Taylor and his team encounter newly discovered megalodons on their recent expedition. Nicknamed the meg, what they thought were extinct giant sharks resurfaced anew as the team runs afoul of a shady mining operation. In the ensuing clash, a new shark attacks. This installment is a sequel to the 2018 sci-fi action film.
09:16 Cine: Aliens (2017)
Un retrato de la polifacética Tesa Arranz, icono de la movida madrileña. Los testimonios personales se yuxtaponen con entradas de diarios, poemas, clips de actuaciones y selecciones de las más de 500 ... Leer más

Empezó hace 124 minutos

11:37 Cine: Still Alice (2014)
La doctora Alice Howland es una conocida profesora de lingüística de la Universidad de Columbia. Felizmente casada y madre de tres hijos, no da mucha importancia a los pequeños lapsus mentales que ... Leer más
13:22 Cine: Brandy Hellville & the Cult of Fast Fashion
n the early Tumblr era of the 2010s, Brandy Melville became the must-have clothing brand for young girls across the world. However, candid interviews with former employees and fashion insiders reveal a troubling toxic work environment and discriminatory recruiting methods at the company and shed light on the inner workings of a business that flourished by setting impossible beauty standards on social media and in real life for its customers and employees.
14:57 Serie: The Sympathizer
The Captain and his fellow Vietnamese refugees attempt to settle in Los Angeles. The defeated General grows suspicious and demands the Captain locate a mole he believes has infiltrated their ranks.
15:59 Serie: Last Week Tonight With John Oliver
16:39 Cine: Road Trip (2022)
Una madre y una hija emprenden juntas su último viaje por carretera.