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Programación para hoy en Freeform

00:25 Cine: The Great Mouse Detective (1986)
A finales del siglo XIX, Basil, el Sherlock Holmes del mundo de los ratones, tiene que enfrentarse a su eterno enemigo: el profesor Ratigan. La aventura comienza cuando una jovencita es raptada por el ... Leer más
02:00 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
02:30 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
03:00 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
03:30 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
04:00 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
04:30 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
05:00 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
05:30 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
06:00 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
06:30 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.

Empezó hace 10 minutos

07:00 Serie: black-ish
Diane experiences a big life event on the road to womanhood and her family's there to support her. Meanwhile, Dre fears he won't be able to beat Junior at basketball again, so he conducts psychological warfare on his son before challenging him to a game.
07:30 Serie: black-ish
Bow keeps in touch with Dre's incarcerated godbrother, Omar, but when they find out he is being released from prison, Omar's future sparks debate. Meanwhile, Ruby lets it slip to the kids that she's been to jail and they push her to tell them more secrets from her past.
08:00 Serie: black-ish
Dre is chosen to lead Stevens & Lido's new charity campaign, which helps people give back to their community. When Bow advises Dre that there is more to giving back than cutting checks, he decides to donate some of his clothes to a man in need. Meanwhile, Junior fails his driving test, so Ruby offers to chaperone a trip with him and the twins on an informative outing.
08:30 Serie: black-ish
Dre is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and after talking to Pops, he's resolved to curing himself. Things come to a head at the Stevens & Lido holiday party. Meanwhile, Jack is convinced that baby Devante hates him, so he enlists Junior and Diane's help.
09:00 Serie: The 700 Club
A religious-themed newsmagazine, one of TV's longest-running programs. On the air since 1966, it launched nationally in '72, before becoming the flagship of the Christian Broadcast Network in 1977. It mixes news---from a religious perspective---with inspirational interviews with celebrities, along with Bible readings and entertainment. Conservative icon (and 1988 presidential candidate) Pat Robertson founded the hugely popular program from a 1963 fund-raising pledge effort on UHF TV in Virginia.
10:00 Serie: 700 Club Interactive
Matters of faith are discussed in this interactive talk show, featuring viewer calls and live chats.
10:30 Serie: Boy Meets World
Cory takes a lot of heat when he can't muster the nerve to kiss Topanga at a party. Eric: Will Friedle. Miss Tomisson: Darlene Vogel. Harley: Danny McNulty.
11:00 Serie: Boy Meets World
Cory (Ben Savage) wins a girl's heart with politeness---and he better stay respectful because she's Harley's sister. Theresa: Danielle Harris. Harley: Danny McNulty. Frankie: Ethan Suplee.
11:30 Serie: Boy Meets World
When Shawn (Rider Strong) can't decide between two girls, he asks Cory to date one while he gets to know the other. Cory: Ben Savage. Linda: Haylie Johnson. Stacy: Molly Morgan. Chubbie: John Capodice.
12:00 Serie: Boy Meets World
A "turnaround" dance gives girls a chance to ask guys out, but that doesn't take any pressure off Cory. Ingrid: Natanya Ross. Allison: Marne Patterson. Shawn: Rider Strong.
12:30 Serie: Boy Meets World
Cory and Shawn help Frankie express his feelings for a girl who turns out to be Harley's girlfriend. Frankie: Ethan Suplee. Harley: Danny McNulty. Amy: Betsy Randle.
13:00 Cine: Spies in Disguise (2019)
Adaptación de un cortometraje homónimo que trata de un primerizo agente secreto y de las desventuras que sufre por conservar su maletín.
15:00 Cine: Holes (2021)
Dos jóvenes salen corriendo de un callejón oscuro, dejando atrás a otro joven apuñalado en el cuello. En el momento en que Danny recibió el mensaje sobre el asesinato de Itzik, su único hijo, su ... Leer más
17:30 Cine: How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019)
Tercera parte de la película que sigue la aventura de Hipo y su dragón. Justo cuando Hipo ha logrado crear una utopía con dragones pacíficos, Desdentado descubre un Furia Nocturna (su raza) sin domar ... Leer más
20:00 Cine: Aladdin (2019)
La trama se sitúa en el exótico paisaje del mítico reino árabe de Agrabah. Aladdin es un ingenioso joven que, a pesar de vivir en un estado de extrema pobreza, sueña con casarse con la bella hija ... Leer más
23:00 Serie: The 700 Club
A religious-themed newsmagazine, one of TV's longest-running programs. On the air since 1966, it launched nationally in '72, before becoming the flagship of the Christian Broadcast Network in 1977. It mixes news---from a religious perspective---with inspirational interviews with celebrities, along with Bible readings and entertainment. Conservative icon (and 1988 presidential candidate) Pat Robertson founded the hugely popular program from a 1963 fund-raising pledge effort on UHF TV in Virginia.