
Programación Lifetime Movies

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Programación jueves, 4 de julio de 2024 en Lifetime Movies

00:01 Cine: The Beach House Murders
Novelist Sarah becomes a prime suspect in a homicide after a one-night tryst with a mysterious stranger who turns up dead at her summer home.
02:01 Cine: Hiding From My Husband
Fleeing her abusive husband Peter , Jess takes their son Noah and finds refuge in her sister's place in LA. Yet a paranoid Jess keeps thinking she sees Peter following her everywhere and can't shake him. When Peter is unexpectedly pronounced dead in an accident, Jess thinks she is finally free of him yet sights of him still persist.
04:02 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
04:32 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
05:00 Serie: Cleaning Secret Weapon!
The Horsepower Scrubber is the waterproof, cordless and rechargeable motorized power scrubber that'll make cleaning everything in and around your home a breeze. With 5 interchangeable heads it's customizable to tackle any task!
05:01 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
05:30 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
05:30 Serie: Lifetime Movie Network Programming
Lifetime Movie Network Programming.
05:31 Paid Programming
Paid Programming.
06:00 Cine: Virtual Lies
Christina Cox and Marc Menard star in this thriller following a deadly game of cat and mouse on the Internet.
08:00 Cine: Family of Lies (2017)
Después de que sus padres murieran en un misterioso accidente automovilístico, Emily y sus hermanos menores se mudaron a un pequeño pueblo de Luisiana. Pronto comienzan a suceder cosas extrañas, lo ... Leer más

Empezó hace 43 minutos

10:00 Cine: Mother of All Lies (2015)
Una adolescente adoptada decide ir en busca de su madre biológica, que cumple condena por robo y homicidio. Cuando Abby consigue la libertad condicional, Sara decide pasar unos días con ella.
12:00 Cine: Big Lies in a Small Town (2022)
Una joven madre, Rachel, busca desesperadamente a su hija adolescente, Hannah. Desapareció después de que su automóvil se estrellara en las afueras de un pequeño pueblo en medio de la nada. Rachel ... Leer más
14:00 Cine: My Diary of Lies
High school senior Natalie is struggling to acclimate to her new school following her mom Caroline's job transfer, until she meets handsome teacher, Mr. Rex, and cheer captain Madison. When Natalie makes the school's elite cheer squad, she's quickly introduced to a world of reckless behavior, which results in a teammate's death. Knowing another cheerleader died just before she joined the squad, Natalie becomes concerned her death wasn't an accident and writes her suspicions in her diary.
16:00 Cine: Picture Perfect Lies
Rachel Collins is excited to celebrate her sweet sixteenth birthday. A shock death at her party leads to Rachel doubting everything she has ever known.
18:00 Cine: Lies Between Friends (2022)
La vida de una familia adinerada da un vuelco cuando la hija de 18 años de un amigo de la familia viene a vivir con ellos durante unos meses.
20:00 Cine: Lies Beneath The Surface (2022)
Tras la muerte de su hija y su divorcio, Hanna Nielsen quiere empezar de nuevo. Ella comienza un negocio, donde descubre a un esposo abusivo y una suegra asesina.
22:00 Cine: Love At First Lie
Kate Burns swipes and meets Walker Stevenson when looking for the perfect match online. After she falls for the dashing dealer, she finds out that he is a hustle hustler who cons women out of their money.