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Programación para hoy en BBC America

00:30 Cine: The Bank Job (2008)
Inglaterra, 1971. Un grupo de ladrones planea y ejecuta un golpe maestro: un espectacular atraco a un banco. Pero, además del dinero y las joyas, forman parte del botín ciertos documentos que permitirían ... Leer más

Empezó hace 71 minutos

03:00 Serie: Planet Earth
Jungle ecosystems are examined. Included: animals indigenous to jungles, including primates and birds, and the unique plant life of these rich environments. Narrated by Sigourney Weaver.
04:00 Serie: Planet Earth
Grasslands, prairies, plains and savannas are examined, including areas of Mongolia, Africa and Papua New Guinea. Also: Arctic tundra.
05:00 Serie: Planet Earth
Examining high-altitude geology and survival strategies of the creatures that live there. Included: snow leopards in the Himalayas; pumas in the Andes. Narrated by Sigourney Weaver.
06:00 Serie: Planet Earth
Trees are Earth's largest organisms and are also one of the planet's oldest inhabitants. Seasonal forests (unlike tropical rain-forest) are the largest land habitats. A third of all trees grow in the endless taiga of the Arctic north. Northern America has forests that include California's sequoias, the Earth's largest trees. There and elsewhere, their vast production of photosynthesis and shade presides over a seasonal cycle of life and involves countless plant and animal species.
07:00 Serie: Planet Earth
A global tour examining the behaviors of animals and revealing the effects of climate change on their environments.
08:00 Serie: Planet Earth
Parched desert environments, including the Sahara, Kalahari, Gobi and Atacama, are examined. Featured: adaptations by wildlife to the extreme conditions. Narrated by Sigourney Weaver.
09:00 Serie: Planet Earth
Fresh-water environments are explored, including rivers and lakes. Featured: Lake Baikal in Russia; Angel Falls in Venezuela. Also: underground aquifers. Narrated by Sigourney Weaver.
10:10 Serie: Planet Earth
Examining shallow seas that lie above continental shelves, where sunlight can reach the seabed. Included: the rich and varied aquatic life of coral reefs. Narrated by Sigourney Weaver.
11:20 Serie: Planet Earth
Frozen regions of the world, including the poles and the tops of mountain ranges, are explored. Featured: organisms that can survive in the coldest conditions on Earth. Narrated by Sigourney Weaver.
12:30 Cine: Kindergarten Cop (1990)
John Kimble es un rudo y veterano detective que lleva años tras la pista del narcotraficante Cullen Crisp. La única persona que puede testificar contra él es su ex-esposa. El problema es que ha desaparecido ... Leer más
15:00 Cine: Crocodile Dundee (1986)
Sue es una reportera vde Nueva York que viaja a Australia para realizar un reportaje sobre Michael J Cocodrilo Dundee, un hombre que se dedica a los safaris turísticos y que ha sobrevivido al ataque ... Leer más
17:00 Cine: Crocodile Dundee II (1988)
Mick Dundee vive con la periodista Sue Charlton en su lujoso apartamento de Nueva York. Tras el asesinato del ex-marido de Sue a manos de unos narcotraficantes, Nick decide llevársela hasta Australia ... Leer más
19:30 Cine: Smokey and the Bandit (1977)
Bandit (Reynolds), el camionero rey de la carretera, se enfrenta a todo un reto, recoger un camión de cerveza en Texarkana, el lugar más cercano donde se puede vender legalmente esa bebida, y conducirlo ... Leer más
21:45 Cine: Smokey and the Bandit II (1980)
Una vez más, es perseguido por su archienemigo el Sheriff Buford T. Justice (Gleason), quien sigue obsesionado con atraparle. Pero esta vez, el botín es todavía más grande: una elefante embarazada: ... Leer más